Thursday, March 24, 2011

Homemade chicken noodles soup

We had another night full of ball games tonight. Miss M had a t-ball game and Mr. Man had a coach pitch game. I know that these nights are tough for dinner because the games are right smack dab in the middle of dinner prep time and dinner time. I decided that I wanted to try to make homemade chicken soup today for dinner. OH. MY. WORD. It was sooooo good. Definately the best chicken soup I've ever had. I've tired to make homemade chicken noodle soup before with different recipies, but they never had much flavor. This one on the other hand, was FULL of flavor. I didn't follow a recipe, I just went with what I thought would make it taste good. I put it into the crock pot this morning and let it cook away until we ate tonight at 7:30. It cooked for a good 12 hours. Oh the yummyness! I made some grilled cheese sandwiches while the boys were showering and the noodles were cooking for the soup. Great meal! I'm even pretty sure the kids liked it. They had ball field snacks so I'm not sure they were really hungry, but they said it tasted great. Here's the recipe.

Crock Pot Chicken (Noodle) Soup

3 large chicken breasts (bones and skin and all.. but not the feathers.ha!)
4 large carrots cut into large chunks
6 stalks celery cut into large chunks
1/2 of a large onion cut into large chunks
3 bay leaves
2 chicken boullion cubes
(Here's where it gets tricky, because I didn't actually measure anything...I don't usually. I just put in what I thought looked good)
1 tea. dried, crushed basil leaves
1 tea. dried minced garlic
a small dash of nutmeg
2 tea. onion powder
1 Tbs. dried oregano leaves
Salt and pepper
2 tea. Paula Dean's House Seasoning (I keep a mixed batch in an old spice jar in the pantry & use it a TON)
No Yolk noodles (however many your family will eat. I made them in a seperate pot and put them into our bowls when it was time to eat so that they didn't get all mushy...ICK)

Disclaimer- My chicken was still frozen when I took it out of the fridge this morning and I didn't have time to mess with it so I just threw it all into the crock pot.

Put the chicken into the crock pot. Fill the pot about 1/2 way up with water. Add the veggies. Add the seasonings and mix. Cook on low all day long (I had mine on high for about 4 hours then I turned it to low and cooked it another 8 hours). Just before you're ready to eat it, put a pot of water on to boil so you can make your noodles. Boil the noodles until aldente (or however you like them). Drain. Spoon some noodles into the bottom of your bowl and ladel the soup on top of the noodles. Mix. Serve. EnJoY!

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